Summer Classes FAQs

What about our travel plans? Our student may miss several lessons over the summer…

We found that in years past, even with the alternative scheduling, students STILL missed lessons due to last minute beach trips, swim meets etc.  This year, we are going to make ALL of our class lessons from June – August available ONLINE so that if your student misses a class they do not have to miss out on learning!


So, is there any kind of break after the recital?  

Nope!  We will meet the very next week and celebrate everyone’s hard work and have a good old fashioned debrief about what went well, what was the most fun, and how glad we are that that goal is accomplished. Phew!


But my student really needs a break during the summer…

Your children have been analyzing, counting, problem solving, coordinating, and skill building for months and we definitely want to devote some time to activities that awaken and engage other musical muscles. Burn-out is not a friend to developing musicianship and we have plenty of tricks up our sleeve to excite and re-inspire your students.    Here are just some of our planned activities…

  • Music Appreciation – Color a Masterpiece, Building Musical Form Sandwiches
  • Pop, Rock, Jazz, and Folk – Students choose a familiar favorite to try!
  • Comedy and Storytelling for exploring Improvisation
  • We’ve got Rhythm – with drums, shakers, bells, and LEGOS!
  • Sharing the Music Service Trips to Local Assisted Living Homes
  • Be the Composer – Students play each other’s musical creations and orchestrate them based on musical periods (costumes welcome!)
  • Sightreading Tournaments and so much MORE!


Can we try a different class time or level?

We do anticipate there will be some minor scheduling adjustments at the turn of the season and we are open to using the summer as a time to experiment with different placements.  We welcome your requests prior to May 1st and we appreciate EVERYONE’s flexibility as we make all the pieces fit!


Can we just take the summer off and see you in September?

Unfortunately, a summer without lessons and practice will result in a backslide that would prevent your student from maintaining their class level.  Their peers will be moving forward while your student will be potentially losing confidence in the material we have covered. We also welcome new families to the program over the summer which prevents us from holding slots for students who have temporarily left the program.  


What if we plan to leave the program after the spring concert? 

Just a reminder that we require 30 days notice to cancel enrollment any time during the year.


Let us know what questions still need answering!


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